A $190 value for just $155!
Electrify your relationship and marriage with these sexy starter items that will get you to explore and discover every aspect of your lover- mind, body and soul.

Pleasure Massage Lubricant

The Pleasure Massage Lubricant is an intimate arousing lubricant infused with the highest grade hemp seed oil and a complex — Read More Add to Cart

Longer Pleasure Oil Spray

The Longer Pleasure for Men is a delay spray formulated to enhance stamina and prolong erections to ensure a pleasurable, — Read More Add to Cart

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Do you need a man?

Once, a woman was reliant on her husband to provide a life and security for her. Today, it's a very different story.

Coital Conversation

Communication is key, so why are so many of us ashamed to tell our partner how we feel or what we like. This course will advise on how to break the sexual ice and master those dreaded conversations.

Wives Who Put On Weight

Men cite loss of attraction as one of the main factors in the breakdown of a marriage. Let's see what's really behind your woman "letting herself go."

Why People Cheat

Affairs don't even shock us anymore. They've become so commonplace, we almost expect them. But why do people cheat? Is the reasoning the same for men and women?

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