Do you need a man?
Once, a woman was reliant on her husband to provide a life and security for her. Today, it's a very different story.

Coital Conversation
Communication is key, so why are so many of us ashamed to tell our partner how we feel or what we like. This course will advise on how to break the sexual ice and master those dreaded conversations.

Wives Who Put On Weight
Men cite loss of attraction as one of the main factors in the breakdown of a marriage. Let's see what's really behind your woman "letting herself go."

Why People Cheat
Affairs don't even shock us anymore. They've become so commonplace, we almost expect them. But why do people cheat? Is the reasoning the same for men and women?

Welcome To The Family
Family drama always adds a little fun to the mix, especially when it revolves around your relationship. When does it matter and can it be resolved?

Masturbation is usually served with a side of guilt. How did masturbation get such a bad rep and what's the role of a menage a' moi once you're in a relationship?

Surviving an Affair
Life after the Lies: Is the discovery that your spouse has cheated really the end?

Does Size Matter
Relax, it doesn't. And even if it does, you can always just buy a sports car.

Manning Your Woman
Should husbands be keeping a watchful eye on their wives or can the distrust disrupt the relationship? Can a healthy dose of jealousy be a good thing?

Sex: Men vs. Women
Does sex determine your sex? How men and women differ when it comes to lovemaking and the key to connecting from such different planes.

Turn The Lights Down Low
Learn why sex in the dark is the way to go. Erotic love is not based solely on sight and with that prime sense diminished, allow all other senses to surface.

Sex Toys for Men
The sex toy industry has improved countless sex lives. But sometimes they can be counter-productive. Here's when to invite men's toys into the bedroom.

Pushing Sexual Boundaries
What are the boundaries when it comes to sex? Here's when you should give in a little and when you should stand your ground.

Parents as Lovers
Becoming parents can often be a hindrance to being spontaneous, passionate lovers. Here's how to keep it sexy under the strain of being parents.

Nightmare Scenario
There's that dreaded moment in every long-term relationship. This is the Nightmare Scenario.

More Porn, More Problems
Today's Threesome: You, your partner, and porn. What you don't realize about porn and it's corrosive effect on your sex life and relationship.

Mindfulness In A Relationship
Learn how to disconnect during sex and actually focus on the one you're with. Presence makes the heart grow fonder.

Is Monogamy Obsolete?
Are we designed to be monogamous? Or are we simply suppressing a natural, animal instinct to date and mate with numerous lovers?

Make Up Sex
Everyone loves make-up sex. It's fiery and passionate and a great way to get past an argument. What makes it so good and is it a healthy way to make peace?

Language of Love
The terminology of relationships has become stale. Romance is dying and with it, the wording we employ to describe our intimate connections. Here's the remedy.

What is Kosher Sex?
Kosher Sex integrates ancient Jewish wisdom into your sex life, making it deeper, more meaningful and more powerful than ever. Who says dirty can't be holy?

Policing Your Man
When keeping an eye on your man becomes a full time job. How to address your suspicions, without using tracking devices and hacking into his phone.

Is Marriage Outdated
With divorce rates at a record high, the institution of marriage has taken a major blow. Have we really outgrown marriage?

There is a common belief that men have a voracious sexual appetite while women prefer the emotional aspects of a relationship. Here's the truth.

Fifty Shades
Fifty Shades of Grey brought violent sex to a mainstream audience. But why are we so obsessed with female sexual submission in an age of feminine empowerment?

Eyes Open Sex
Why close your eyes when it's the best time to connect? Learn the psychology behind it and how to be okay with being exposed to your lover.

Exercising Your Erotic Brain
It's time to give some extra attention to your most important erotic organ...the BRAIN! Because arousal starts in the mind.