Does Size Matter?

“What matters is not the length of the wand but the magic in the stick.”
It’s often overlooked that men can also struggle with body image issues, especially when it comes to their genitals. Studies found that 45% of men are dissatisfied with their size- while interestingly, over 85% of women are perfectly happy with the proportions of their significant other. This suggests that most of the hype that keeps the size question alive is really just in people’s heads.
The average length of a flaccid penis is around 3-4 inches long, while erect it measures about
5 inches, give or take. Most people overestimate the average penis size and therefore put undue stress and judgment on the male genitalia, which can likely negatively affect body confidence and ultimately, sex. The media, porn, and misinformation has also built a narrative that men with larger penises are more masculine, better in bed and exude confidence, which is simply not the case.
Also, regardless of how large or small, the penis is only one of the many tools that a man can use to give or receive pleasure.
Every body is unique. Genitals come in varying sizes and appearances that have no bearing on function, stamina, or passion in bed. Size has nothing to do with being manly, powerful or some kind of sex god and is rarely a contributing factor in a pleasurable, satisfying intimate life. It’s passion, focus, and connection that makes sex great, not your genitals.
That’s all.