The Intrigue of Queen Esther

The Purim story has a few exceptional characters but it is headlined by a woman, Esther, the unwilling Queen who saves the Jewish people from annihilation .

A little background.

Around 479 BC, Persian King Achashverosh puts his wife, Queen Vashti to death after she refuses to expose herself in front of his party guests. Consumed by regret and without a queen, he sets out to find a replacement. Every maiden in the kingdom was a candidate and bathed in oils for months, preparing for their chance to capture the King’s heart.

But Esther was chosen.

“And the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she won grace and favor before him more than all the maidens, and he placed the royal crown on her head.”

What was it that set Esther apart?

Now the text might make it seem obvious. It was esther’s beauty that captivated the king, “and the maiden was of beautiful form and of beautiful appearance.” The Rabbis expound on this and say that Esther was one of the seven most beautiful women to have ever existed.

But these accolades were said of Esther, the name she took to hide her identity when she became queen. Her real name, Hadassah, meaning “Myrtle” speaks to a contrasting physical appearance. In fact, Esther’s original name Hadassah alluded to her “greenish, sallow complexion.” Yet, despite Esther “lacking natural beauty” she was imbued with natural charm, so much so that she “found favor in the eyes of all who saw her.” A charm that made her the greatest heroine in Jewish history.

Even King Achaverosh, an unrefined, brutal ruler was inextricably drawn to her. Esther had more than beauty, she had character. a pretty face wouldn’t have been enough to save the Jewish people. It took a woman of genius, cunning and fearlessness. All these qualities strengthened by a spiritual connection and faith that was unwavering.

These qualities not only shine brighter than outward beauty, but enhance and magnify it.

A woman with a mission.

It was these characteristics that made her all the more seductive and beautiful and ultimately chosen. Not just by the king, but by God himself, as his deliverer of redemption.

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